Thursday, January 28, 2010

Reaction to Class Discussion and Lee Mun Wah's film "The Color of Fear"

I think this week was a great start for the semester. The video allowed a visual for a discussion on Multiculturalism, bias and racism. The model itself was innovative because discussion is the first step to eradicating racism and implementing such practices as multiculturalism in schools. The message was clear of the men of color in the film; all men may be equal but they are not the same. This was the basis of Victor's outburst as we witnessed him at his wit's end and his decision to take a stand against tolerating David (the white male's) colorblind views. Although a disagreement with Victor's reaction was stated in class, I saw his blow-up as essential and inevitable. I do not know what it means to be a Black male in America but Victor's anger against a racist society was evident and I think that it is his right to release all this pent up anger. This point was necessary in the beginning of his own healing as well as opening the eyes of others around him. Victor made a very powerful statement addressing the oppressive actions of whites. He replies to a comment made by David which implied that people of color may be their own barrier and that they should all stand on their own. Victor replied,"we don't always stand on our own ground, some men stand on other men and other women." This was in my opinion, the most powerful statement made throughout the video. I believe that in saying this Victor wasn't attacking David but attacking a people with a history of oppression, a people with a history of exploiting others and their land for their own personal gain.I think this is relevant to schooling because after such oppressive actions, the culture of dominance is perpetuated through schools where fallacies  and complete omission of peoples histories are taught. So after such men stand on those around them, they dictate what is said about their history and in turn minimize their history, culture and very being.
a snippet of "The Color of Fear"